The Sh!t List
Alex Wegescheidt
The biggest name on the Shit List is Alex Wegeschiedt, a German man who attacked our social media accounts for two years using malicious community guidelines reporting an illegal, defamatory statements. He’s obsessed w/ Niki Peacock. He owns an orange cat. He goes by the names Alex Icke or John Holmes or Jack Bauer or Fritz Fux. Below are links to Instagram DMs, going back several months, obtained during discovery.

Alex Wegescheidt and Niki Peacock
discovery evidence, Part 1
Alex Wegescheidt and Niki Peacock
discovery evidence, Part 2
Also, here’s a copy of the lawsuit we filed against Alex Wegescheidt in California Superior Court. At the link, there is also a copy of the German translation of the same lawsuit.
Shore Thang has the help of several interesting individuals to track down and bring Wegescheidt to justice, including the FBI’s Cyber Crime Task Force, the Adenau Polizei, and the State-Prosecutor at Koblenz.
The wheels of justice sometimes turn slowly, so in the meantime, we are working w/ new friends at the Nurburgring to expose Wegescheidt for the criminal cyber stalker that he is. Below are a few highlights of Wegeschiedt’s conversations with Niki Peacock. The strangest part of this ordeal is how long Alexander focused on our company and how much he assumes he knows about our internal business matters.
Unfortunately, this entire thing started because Kendra Rowe broke her NDA and pulled a serious drama queen fit on Instagram in April 2020. I don’t have time to deal with this psychotic nonsense all the time, but I’ll update it when possible.
Of all the people to become obsesses with, he chose Niki Peacock?? I think there are far more interesting young ladies in our business than Niki Peacock…